Saturday, December 8, 2007

Week 4 Pre-Writing Activity

Who is my audience?

The main audience for this one seems to be the professor, though my peers
and myself will be looking at it as well.

What topic am I writing on?

This is the cover letter for our class portfolios, as such we'll be making an
argument for our class grade and providing evidence about what we've
learned thus far to support this argument.

What effects do I want to have on my audience?

I want to get an A!

Jokes aside, I do aim to try to prove that the work I've done in this course is
worthy of such a grade. I'll try to come up with the best evidence I possible can
in order to support my argument.

What genre am I writing in? Formal/Portfolio/Cover Letter.

What can I say?/How do I organize what I'll say?

I have combined these two sections for this pre-writing assignment.

I'll first be making a claim, an argument for the grade I desire in the introduction
portion of my cover letter. That grade will be an A. Then I will be summarizing, as
best as I can, the evidence which I will use to support my claim. Then I will provide
the evidence to support this claim, followed by a brief summary of my impressions
with this class.

So, what will my claim be, and what sort of evidence will I use to support my claim?
I will make a claim that I am now a better writer than I was at the beginning of this
course. I will prove my claim by providing evidence of my understanding of what each of
the WPA Outcome Statements mean, and how I have experienced some of them in this course. I will also provide examples of some things I now know about myself as a writer that I had not known before.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Week 3 Pre-Writing Activity.

It's about time I got this posted up. Here it is:

Who is my audience?
My teacher, my peers, and myself to a degree.

What topic am I writing on?
Process Theory and how it applies to a process I've used in the past.

What effects do I want to have on my audience? Several things:

1. I want to communicate to my audience about a process they may not necessarily know about.

2. I want to explain what process theory and kaizen are, how they work, and how they apply to my process of choice.

3. I want to try and cement my own ideas of process theory and kaizen and how they work by writing and thinking about it.

What genre am I writing in? Academic/Formal Paper.

What can I say?
I am going to talk about the process I go through in doing research. I'll use doing research on AI as an example.

How do I organize what I say? I'll seperate the writing into three sections:

Introduction: These is where I will introduce process theory and kaizen, and explain what it is that I will be talking about.

Body: This is an in-depth explanation of my current research process and how I might improve it using process theory and/or kaizen.

Conclusion: Here I will give a brief summary of what was said in the body and tie up any loose ends the body may have left.